Apply for an English Course with IH Bristol

Your Course

Choose a course from the list above (or, if you want to book one of our OET exam prep courses, click on OET Exam prep courses and scroll to the bottom of that page).

Booking Details
Course Dates *
Empty 'End date' values will use the 'Start date' values.
Insurance offer from our partner for students:
  • who are planning to travel to IH Bristol in the UK to study English
  • are younger than 70 years
    Please read details here if you tick 'Yes' to add insurance.
  • Insurance Period
    Put in the start and end date (including travel) of the period you wish to be insured for. Empty 'End date' values will use the 'Start date' values.
    Your Details
    Date of Birth *
    Contact Details
    Emergency Contact
    Your level of English
    Please note, 'Unite' summer residential accommodation finishes on 25th August 2024 and our new Student Flats start on Sunday 1st September
    Accommodation Details
    Accommodation Dates
    Empty 'End date' values will use the 'Start date' values.

    Allergies / Medical / Special Educational Needs
    Travel Arrangements
    Payment Method
    Terms & Conditions
    By agreeing that IH Bristol can process your booking immediately you confirm you are aware that, in the event of a cancellation, IH Bristol may charge you for services already rendered. If you select 'No' in the 'Process my booking immediately' your booking will be processed by us after 14 days (cooling off period).