Students of the Month!

Omid is from Afghanistan and has been living in Yate on the outskirts of Bristol. He has been with us for the last three months, and chose to study at IH Bristol when he saw how international and friendly it was from the reviews online. He said he knew immediately it was the right place for him!

His ambitions for his English are to speak fluently enough to live in the UK, attend university, and speak confidently to everyone. He’s a big dreamer and has high hopes for his English.

Omid loves Bristol because it’s such an international city that anyone can feel at home here, and because IH Bristol is a great place for him. Omid said it’s been a difficult few years for him but that the past few months at the school have been an oasis of fun, learning, and meeting new people. He said it’s a relief to be in such a comfortable and friendly environment and that he will always remember his time here fondly.

We chose Omid as Student of the Month because of his positive and friendly presence in lessons and around the school, because of the progress he has made while he has been here, and because he is an enthusiastic and valued member of the school community.  He always has something interesting to contribute in lessons and we value his insights. Well done Omid!



Katherina is from Asuncion, the capital city of Paraguay, where she is a child psychologist, and formerly a graphic designer.

She has been with us since February, and decided to study English here at IH Bristol because English is important for her work to communicate more easily with foreign clients, and because she also likes travel, for which English comes in very useful.

Katherina decided to study at IH Bristol because it was close to where she is staying while in the UK. She was attracted by the fact that we have students from many different backgrounds, and of a range of ages here.

Katherina’s favourite things about Bristol are the parks, and the fact that it is very easy to go to the countryside. She enjoys fitness and finds it easy and safe to train in the area. She likes IH Bristol because it feels more like home than school! The teachers are friendly and she enjoys the social programme. It’s easy to make friends, which is important because she is spending a long time here.

The teachers nominated Katherina for student of the month because she is always a positive figure in lessons, trying hard to recycle language she is learning throughout her time here, and also because she is a regular feature at our social programme events, taking part in a wide range of activities. Well done!