Testimonial Andart

Andart, China

I’m Andart (Chinese name:Hong-bin Hsu ),an English teacher and also head of the English teaching group of a national demonstration middle school called RongShan Senior High School of Shunde District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province,PRC. Assigned by Shunde Bureau of Education in 2005, I, together with 15 other teachers, took 3 months’  further study in Bristol ,the biggest city in the southwest of Britain. The school where we studied is called International House Bristol, formerly known as The Language Project. How time flies! It has been 10 years since we studied there. But those good old days spent in the school remain fresh in my mind as if they were yesterday.
  I benefit a lot from the three months of study at International House, where we were fully exposed to English culture ,thus leading to my rapid progress in various aspects including English teaching theory and teaching ability. The three months spent in Bristol were unforgettable . First of all, the school is well managed thanks to the quick-witted School Director Val ,who has advanced educational ideas and high working efficiency. She is not only an expert in teaching but also good at school management. The teachers were all friendly, devoted and kind to students and their class teaching was always lively and interesting. Though we were far away from home, we didn’t feel lonely, for the teachers treated us as their family members .I would like to thank Val, who I keep in good contact with. Whenever asked for help in English teaching, she is always giving an immediate reply. Moreover, the school teaching activities are based on the needs of students, which led to high classroom teaching efficiency. Before teaching, the school would send a questionnaire to learn about the actual needs of the students to make sure the teaching plan was workable. The school boasts rich and colorful teaching methods, of which observation out of the campus   is especially attractive. In order to enrich the campus life, a lot of activities would be organized like a barbecue, sightseeing and visits to places of interest. Last but not least, thanks to its advantageous geographical location and historical background, the city of Bristol is permeated with sweet and noble British culture everywhere, which can be seen from its   oldest ship , the oldest Clifton Suspension Bridges ,which is still in service, and one of the world‘s top universities, the University of Bristol. Therefore, don’t hesitate to come to International House Bristol ,where you can be exposed to English history and enjoy its breathtakingly beautiful scenery and above all this is where you study English!
If possible, I would like to go back to the school, because it once brightened my dream, and now has become the thoughts of my dreams.

我叫徐宏斌(Andart),现任教于中国广东省佛山市顺德区国家级示范高中容山中学,担任英语教研组组长。2005年,受顺德教育局委派,在英国西南最大城市布里斯托接受为期三个月的英语进修学习。我学习的地方就是International House,当时叫 Language Project 。时光荏苒,光阴似箭,转眼10年过去了,但在培训学校度过的那些美好时光却历历在目,恍如昨日。
International House让我受益匪浅,三个月的学习,三个月的英语文化浸润使我在英语教育教学理论和英语教学能力等各方面取得了长足的进步,这三个月成了我永不忘怀的记忆。简单说几点吧。首先,这个学校有个思维敏捷,办学理念先进,做事风格雷厉风行的校长,她叫Val,不仅是位教学专家,而且是位管理能手。学校的老师个个和蔼可亲,爱岗敬业,教学生动有趣,善待学生,亲如家人。远在英国,我们却并不孤独。我非常感谢校长Val,现在我们都保持很好的联系,教学上一有问题问她,她总是不厌其烦第一时间给予回复。再则,学校的教学活动立足学生的需求,课堂教学高效。教学之前,学校会发一份调查表,了解同学们的实际需求,以便有的放矢进行教学。教学方式丰富多彩,走出校园的各类观摩课非常吸引人。为了丰富校园生活,学校会组织烧烤,旅游,参观各类活动。最后,由于布里斯托得天独厚的地理位置和历史背景,这座城市处处洋溢着温馨而高贵的英伦气息,她有最古老的海船,最古老的还在服役的吊桥,世界排行前列的布里斯托大学。可谓俯拾皆历史,移步即风景。此处实乃旅游之胜地,求学之佳境!