Here is our IELTS cancellation policy:
14 days or fewer after the original booking date – you are entitled to a full refund, or a free transfer to a later session within the next three months.
More than 14 days after the original booking date and 5 days or more before the exam – you are entitled to a 75% refund or you can pay 25% of the test taker to defer your entry to a test within the next three months.
If you unable to attend your exam due to illness, and a medical certificate confirming illness on the date of the test is provided via email to within five calendar days of the test date, together with the submitted cancellation request on the Test Taker Portal, the fee is refundable, minus a 25% administration fee.
To cancel or transfer your IELTS (Academic and General Training) test, please log in to the Test Taker Portal and submit a cancellation/transfer request, along with an upload of supporting documentation/evidence.