Our Trinity exams are not open to UK visa applicants as we are not registered as a Secure English Language Test Centre with the Home Office or UKBA. For more information about Secure English Language Tests for UK visas go to this website: https://www.trinitycollege.com/site/?id=3218(Opens in a new tab/window)
The four different stages (levels)
Initial | Grades 1–3 (5–7 minutes) | Conversation with examiner |
Elementary | Grades 4-6 (10minutes) | Conversation with examiner + topic |
Intermediate | Grades 7-9 (15 mins) | Conversation with examiner Iinteractive task Candidate-led discussion |
Advanced | Grades 10-12 (25 mins) | Conversation with examiner Topic presentation Topic discussion Listening task Interactive discussion |
For more information about the content and activities involved in the different stages, please see the GESE basic information page on the Trinity College website. https://www.trinitycollege.co.uk/site/?id=368(Opens in a new tab/window)
The content and style of the exam
The exams are based on students referring to personal experience. The language tasks include talking about a topic and text that you can choose. It might be a holiday, a sport, hobby, or perhaps your family, studies or work. Any subject makes an ideal topic as long as it is of interest and relevance to you.
You can relax and actually enjoy the exam at the same time as earning an international qualification for yourself.