IELTS Teacher Training Workshop Oct 10th and 11th 2024

In collaboration with the British Council, International House Bristol is excited to present an exceptional professional development opportunity for exam preparation teachers across the UK. We are delighted to invite you to the IELTS Teacher Training Workshop at International House Bristol. This intensive 2-day event is thoughtfully designed to transform your approach to teaching IELTS, equipping you with innovative strategies and insights to enhance your students' success.

Upcoming dates: 10-11th October 2024 (Thursday-Friday)

Cost per 2-day course: £99

Register here: Registration link will be live on Monday 9th September

Application process: Register your interest at link from Monday 9th September; IH Bristol will contact you soon after you regietsr and ask you to submit your CV and teaching qualification scan; IH Bristol academic management team will check CV and qualifications; we will let you know whether your application has been successful and if so send you an invoice for payment. You are now booked and can look forward to your course!

Course Overview

Day 1 Thursday 10th October 

IELTS skills focus: Writing + Listening


1. General Introductions
2. About the workshop
3. IELTS Overview
4. Introduction to IELTS Writing

IELTS Writing Task 1 Overview + understanding the question, body, conclusions and typical errors Lexis + last reminders + Writing Task 1 Samples 

IELTS Writing Task 2 Overview + understanding the question, body, conclusions and typical errors Lexis + last reminders + Writing Task 1 Samples

Reflection and Feedback
5. IELTS Listening Overview
IELTS Listening Part 1

Instructions + Multiple Choice Questions

IELTS Listening Parts 2-4

Other question types

Listening round-up

6. Reflection + Feedback + Q&A

Day 2 Friday 11th October:

IELTS skills focus: Reading + Speaking


1. Review of Day 1
2. IELTS Reading Overview
IELTS Reading:

Problems + strategies + reading skills + gap fill questions

Matching + matching headings

True, False, Not Given + Multiple Choice questions

Reflection and Feedback
3. IELTS Speaking Overview
IELTS Speaking

Part 1 + video + Speaking Part 1 activities

Part 2 + video + Speaking Part 2 activities

Part 3 + video + Speaking Part 3 activities

4. Reflection + Feedback + Q&A
5. Other IELTS Resources
6. Feedback on the workshop