
Catch up with all the latest happenings! Our blog is written by lots of different people here at International House Bristol, you can let us know what you think with a comment, or get in touch with us by email here.

And the winner is.....


International House in Bristol is proud to have been awarded: Best English Language School - Bristol & Excellence Award for Teacher Training and Best F

Judging starts today! Here is one of our favourite entries so far from our sponsored 24 hours in Bristol..some amazing pictures!


Our next Cambridge CELTA course starts on the 13th August

Congratulations to all our students who took the FCE& CAE exams in August.

"Whenever we host teenage language students, we always try and email their parents t

Our Foreign Languages term starts on Monday so sign up today! 

£2495 including exam fee

Study and take your Cambridge English exam in the same school with IH Bristol

30 x 45 minute lessons per week

12 students per course maximum