
Catch up with all the latest happenings! Our blog is written by lots of different people here at International House Bristol, you can let us know what you think with a comment, or get in touch with us by email here.
students outside IH Bristol school

We have wonderful news!


IH Bristol was named as one of the top 10 schools for teenagers. 


Here at International House we are immensely proud of our amazing city of Bristol and everything it has to offer, both for the locals who live here and everyone who comes to visit.

As part of our CELTA teacher training course trainees teach FREE classes of English.

Check out this fantastic article on LearnEnglishIn about Bristol Festivals to enjoy this summer giving you a snapsho

Host father with students and teacher

VIP* invitations to the Early Man exhibition

- one of the added benefits of staying with a host family

Learning a new language can enrich your life, expose you to new cultures, and introduce you to new friends.

But also, it shapes the way we think!

As part of our social programme we took our students on a trip to the stone circles in Avebury.

Our wonderful city has just been named the happiest city in Britain. We can't say we are surprised - it seems like everyone who visits Bristol either stays or keeps coming back to visit again.

Clifton Suspension Bridge Balloons

We are starting this year with wonderful news: