
Catch up with all the latest happenings! Our blog is written by lots of different people here at International House Bristol, you can let us know what you think with a comment, or get in touch with us by email here.

Congratulations Nawaf & Abdulrahman!

Both students are currently attending face-to-face English classes with us in Bristol. Here's what their teachers had to say about them:

Congratulations Nathalie & Abdulrahman!

Both students are currently attending hybrid English classes with us in Bristol. Here's what their teachers had to say about them:

Jogging your way to fluency  

Happy Easter from IH Bristol!

Congratulations Nathalie & Abdulrahman!

Happy Lunar New Year to our friends celebrating around the world!

Wishing you all health, happiness and prosperity for the new year ahead  

New for 2021, IH Bristol is delighted to announce we have been awarded Bildungsurlaub recognition from several regions in Germany. 

In a year of great change and adaption, IH Bristol's Exams Department was very pleased to add one particular string to its bow in 2020 - the OET. 

How many faces do you recognise in this photo?


International House Bristol will improve the skills of English teachers in Cuba after submitting a winning bid for a national project.