
Catch up with all the latest happenings! Our blog is written by lots of different people here at International House Bristol, you can let us know what you think with a comment, or get in touch with us by email here.


Tuesday 9 June - 6.30pm UK time

In addition to our standard online social programme for IH Bristol students, we are pleased to bring you an additional combined social programme together with other IH schools!

Are you considering an online English course but not sure what to expect?

Combined Social Programme

We are offering our next Cambridge CELTA course online, via the Zoom platform from 18th May - 12th June 2020.

SPECIAL OFFER:  Book an online English course and get credit for our face-to-face cour

Have you ever taken an online class? Yes? No?

IH Bristol is now offering online classes for students around the world. 

We are pleased to announce that International House Bristol is now an official test venue for the OET exam

Nuria holding sweetcorn fritters

This blog post was written by one of International House Bristol's host families. Jonathan and Gail have been hosting since 2011.​