
Catch up with all the latest happenings! Our blog is written by lots of different people here at International House Bristol, you can let us know what you think with a comment, or get in touch with us by email here.

We are delighted to announce our latest class of

IH Bristol Director Val in front of IH Bristol Queens Avenue

"What a month September has proven to be. Yesterday, Bristol enjoyed temperatures of 20 degrees and wall-to-wall sunshine and today autumn rain has set in.  We live in a topsy turvy world.

EL Gazette Centre of Excellence Logo 2020-2021

The EL Gazette has produced another report of UK Schools Rankings 2020/2021 'Centres of Excellence'.

Teacher smiling stood in front of a whiteboard

Lessons are from 21st September to 16th October from 1.30 to 3.30pm, Monday to Friday for pre-intermediate (A2 / B1) and upper-intermediate (B2) English learn

Student Roxana with colourful graffiti

"I decided to go to the UK driven by the desire of a change, a new challenge for myself.

language school + laptop

We live in strange times and a lot of things we used to take for granted have changed.  One very big change is international

Students Roxana and Juan with their certificates

Congratulations Juan and Roxana!

Uby making bath melts with her host family

With no idea how this summer was going to turn out, we were thrilled to welcome a few juniors from Italy, Hong Kong and France to study with us this August.

We've had a lot to celebrate at IH Bristol recently: a safe, smooth and successful reopening of the school back on 3rd August; Charlie, our teacher of 17+ years' birthday last week - and a brand NE