Charlie Abel

Charlie Abel
Administrator & IT Support

Hi there! My name’s Charlie, I’m part of IH Bristol’s accommodation and administration teams.

I was born in Gothenburg, Sweden, but moved to Bristol before I was 3 months old. While I visit Sweden for a week or two most years, I have lived almost my whole life in a small village on the outskirts of Bristol – I love the countryside, but Bristol has so many huge, green spaces that I feel at home even in the city centre!

Despite not having lived long-term in Sweden, my mum spoke to me in Swedish as a child and so I am now fluent – knowing a second language is incredibly valuable, as a second perspective/way of thinking, as an expansion of vocabulary and ability to express oneself, but above all, as a way of bringing people together. “If you speak to a person in a language they understand, that goes to their head. If you speak to them in their own language, that goes to their heart” – I love the look on a persons face when they realise you speak their language, especially when they themselves are abroad and can’t always share their thoughts exactly as they want to!

I am also learning Japanese – I find eastern culture fascinating, and one day I hope to spend time in Japan, China and Korea, possibly even teaching English (one day!). I am a very casual student, spending only a little time every day, but learning a language is a marathon, not a sprint, and I know that one day my efforts will bear fruit! I also love playing the piano; music is a language that everyone can understand – after all, speaking is just one way of sharing feelings and emotions through sound!

Meet IH Bristol staff

Marcel Jansen
Director & IT
Pete Gibson
Principal and Director of Studies
Val Hennessy
Britta Priest
Office Manager
Charlie Abel
Administrator & IT Support
Charlie Marshall
Teacher & Head of Teacher Training
David Hazon
Head of Marketing & Sales
Jason Wong
Bookkeeper & Administrator
Joanna Thorpe
Senior Teacher for Teacher Development
Leander Winden
Head of Exams
Luqueney Pearson
Accommodation and Welfare Officer
Noelia Adalid
Receptionist Administrator
Patrick Rushforth
EFL Teacher
Saskia Jansen
EFL Teacher
Tegen Fisher
Social Programme Organiser & EFL Teacher
Sana Abushama
OET Exams Officer