Care of Students Under 18

Under 18s and Safeguarding

The safety and welfare of all our students is very important to us, but especially for young learners under the age of 18 and any vulnerable adults.

The school Principal and Director of Studies, Pete Gibson, has overall responsibility for safeguarding (Designated Safeguarding Lead) and is assisted by our Accommodation and Welfare Officer, Luqueney Pearson (Designated Safeguarding Person).

Read more about Pete here

Read more about Luqueney here

team member Pete Gibson
team member Luqueney

Our school Designated Safeguarding Lead is the Principal, Pete Gibson, who can be contacted by email or phone 0117 9090911. 

In an emergency, the Safeguarding Team can be contacted by phoning this number (if out-of-hours, please call the school Emergency Phone).

Please find IH Bristol’s U18s policies and guidance documents below:

IH Bristol safeguarding children handbook

The guidance and procedures in this document are designed to help safeguard young people and reduce risks.
IH Bristol safeguarding children handbook (pdf, 348.68 KB)

Parental agreement for students under 18

IH Bristol requires a signed parental agreement for every student under the age of 18
IH Bristol parental agreement for under 18s (docx, 60.79 KB)

Student Handbook young learners

A guide to the school and the programme for our young learner courses
IH Bristol young learner handbook (pdf, 1.24 MB)

U18 unsupervised time provision summary

IH Bristol's provision for under-18 students, including unsupervised time
IH Bristol U18s unsupervised time summary (pdf, 141.71 KB)

Unsupervised time provision summary 11 year-olds

IH Bristol's provision for 11 year old students (please enquire for eligibility), including unsupervised time
IH Bristol unsupervised time 11 year-olds (pdf, 115.57 KB)

U18 unsupervised trips permission form

Parental consent for for students under 18 for any trips that are not supervised by IH Bristol
Permission form unsupervised trips U18s (doc, 1.04 MB)