Some students will need a visa to come and study in the UK. To know if you need a visa and which type, please first check which category your country is in:
EEA - includes European Union countries and Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein. For these students, there are no visa requirements and students have the right to work. Switzerland is neither an EU nor EEA member but is part of the single market. This means Swiss nationals have the same rights to live and work in the UK as other EEA nationals.
Non-Visa Nationals - includes countries such as Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Brazil, Chile, Argentina and Israel. These students can either get a visa on arrival in the UK (in the form of a stamp in their passport) or before they come. This depends on the type of visa they require (see below).
Visa Nationals - includes countries such as Turkey, Colombia, Ecuador, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, China, Thailand, and most Middle Eastern countries. These students must apply for a visa before they come.
IH Bristol cannot give advice on visas - it is against the law. But there is a lot of information below which should help. You can also visit the English UK website in a new tab/window) where you will find useful information and links.