You must have a valid photo ID with you on the exam day (C1 Advanced candidates must have the same ID they used at the time of registration).
Candidates who do not have an acceptable form of identification will not be allowed to take the exam.
Acceptable ID documents (excluding C1 Advanced) are: National Identity Card / Citizen Card, Passport, Driving Licence and Biometric Residency Permit.
Acceptable ID documents for C1 Advanced: National Identity Card / Passport.
If you have any other type of identification you may not be allowed to take the exam. Please contact us if this is the case. Candidates taking the C1 Advanced exam outside of their country of residence must bring either their passport or a government-issued national identity card.
If your ID is lost or stolen prior to the day of the exam, you should contact us as soon as possible.
Most examination candidates will also be photographed on the day of the examination, which is part of the additional identity check.
All examinations are conducted under strictly supervised conditions, and candidates suspected of impersonation or other malpractice will be reported.